Greetings dear friends & family,
Psalm 23:1 The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.
2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
3 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.
4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.
This scripture has become much closer to my heart over the last couple of weeks. I thank God for the scriptures for they indeed comfort me.
The Lord worked it out so that I was able to get in to see the specialist yesterday (Tuesday Feb 20th) instead of my original appointment on March 8th. We had been praying that if the Lord knew that I should get in earlier than the 8th that He would open the way. He knew I needed to see the doctor sooner. I had a bunch of testing done, a CAT scan and a long interview and exam yesterday.
I have good news and bad news to report. The good news is that it appears that my brain is NOT involved at this time. He is not 100% sure but fairly confident. The bad news is that it is as bad as it could be without brain involvement. The doctor said that on a scale of one to ten, one being a torn eardrum that needs to be reconstructed (which mine does) and a ten being critical, potentially life threatening brain involvement, I am at a nine ready to "burst into a ten."
This news comes on the heals of my first ENT telling me last Thursday that he would operate on me as soon as I wanted him to. He didn't see the need for a CAT scan and said that he was just going to proceed to surgery and "open me up and see what we had." Coby and I paid the bill and left never to return. You see God had already got me an appointment with the specialist in Sacramento without a referral! We still had a second opinion coming. Praise the Lord.
Obviously, the second opinion, from a doctor that people from all over the country and Canada fly in to see for the same problem that I have, was in God's plans.
What now? The doctor is very concerned and is going to get me scheduled for surgery ASAP. He doesn't want this to go any longer than two weeks. He discovered that my entire ear is a total mess. And that my "balance center" has even been compromised. This has been the cause of my dizzy spells and bad motion sickness. I will need more than one surgery. The first will be to remove the tumor and clean out the ear and create an environment that might be able to with stand a second surgery in a year or so after I am healed. The likelihood of me recovering my hearing in my right ear is probably not going to happen. It is very likely that I will be completely deaf in that ear. The recovery time is what disappoints me the most. I can't work for at least a month. I will have to reschedule my speaking and concert dates. The first two to four weeks I WILL have vertigo (dizziness and wanting to throw up), facial paralysis is very common and a lack of taste will most likely be present while the ear reattaches to my head. They have to cut along the back of the ear and flap it forward on to my cheek. The ear and part of my face will be numb for an unknown length of time.
I must confess that this problem is something that I just don't have time for! (LOL Laughing out loud!) Honestly, I have so much that I want to do for the Lord right now! I want to finish our new album, get our replacement duplicator working (which the new one is having problems to!) and keep my scheduled venues. I know that this condition/disease is obviously important to take care of BUT I don't just sit around well! After a week camping I usually start going a little stir crazy wanting to get back to what I love to do–work for the Lord. So, I have a few prayer requests. One that God will continue to lead in how all things need to proceed with my surgery and recovery. Two, that God will not only help the tumor to be removed completely and that the reconstruction of my inner ear would go perfect but that I would recover my hearing! We are expecting a total recovery but willing to accept what ever is the Lord's will. Three, that the Lord would draw especially close to Coby and the boys. Coby is a trooper but having a tough time with all of this. Pray that as she becomes my nurse that she will be strengthened and that I will be a good patient.
We just got a call from the scheduling nurse for my doctor and they are trying to get me scheduled as soon as possible. Due to the long surgery time the surgery center will only allow me to be scheduled in the AM according to their policy. And the Doctor is scheduled until March 21st. I am now on a waiting list incase there is a cancellation. I am by faith leaving on an airplane for an evangelistic seminar Thursday AM the 22nd. Since there is a hole in my ear drum there is no danger when flying. Please also pray that I will know how long to be away for the seminar in New Orleans. I don't know if I should be away for the entire scheduled time or come home sooner in case there is a cancellation.
I will by faith and by calendar go forward to meet my obligations but honestly I want to be home with my family right now. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.
I wanted to thank each of you for your willingness to share your health products, tips and counsel with us. We have all the info we need now and we will explain more details of what exactly is going on and why certain natural remedies won't work in this case and why surgery short of God just healing me will be necessary. There are different types of cholesteatomas and various degrees of involvement and we'll share this with you during our next message of the month. By the way, we did pay for a replacement CD duplicator but we are having problems with it too. The devil just hates us. But the Lord loves us and will help us get through the little annoyances as well as the problems.
Thank you so much to each of you that have showed your love for us. Your cards and flowers, your emails and phone calls have touched us very deeply. I feel like I am part of a huge, loving family! We consider you to be a part of our family and now we see that so many of you do too!
I thank God for you.
In HIS Glorious Service,
Christian & Coby Berdahl
For those of you who have asked our personal address is the same as the ministry address listed below.
18781 Toyon Ct.
Sutter Creek, CA 95685
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