Monday, January 26, 2009

Hello, I am a Chinese hamster

My name is Anola, and I'm a girl.
This is the story of my short life.
I was born several weeks ago in a humble hamster cage. My mom gave birth to me and my brothers and sisters. We had no fur and we were all pink with our eyes still shut. My mother taught me to eat and drink, and how to clean my fur. I have a little hole in my left ear. Nobody knows how it got there.
One day I was sleeping in my toy shoe with my many brothers and sisters. There were so many other hamsters. Some of them weren’t related to me, but I couldn’t tell the difference between them, they all look alike. Hamsters have very bad eyesight, it’s a sad fact. That’s why we sometimes leap from your hand from high up without knowing that we could hurt ourselves. It’s important to hold us above our cage when we’re getting used to being held.
It was late one evening. The room with many animals was about to be locked up, but then a few more people hurried to get rawhide bones and others things. I thought everyone had gone, but no, someone was talking near our cage. So I popped my head out of the shoe, trying to see what was going on. I could tell the cage was being moved and the lid removed. All of a sudden a hand grabbed me. I was terrified and started to run as fast as I could, I jumped and landed with a thud back in the cage. But before I could catch my breath, the hand grabbed me again and stuffed me in a little box all by myself. The face that belonged to the hand tried to look into the box, but I was hiding in the shadows, trying not to be seen. Would this be the end of me, locked away in a dungeon without any hope of seeing the light of day again?
The ride in the box was very bumpy. I had a hard time staying on my feet. Then suddenly a rush of very cold air came in through the holes in the box. I shuddered and thought this was the end. But no, I heard a bang and soon the air became warmer. I heard a loud rumble and the sense I was moving at a very fast pace. Maybe we were in a time machine, maybe I was traveling into the future. Then we stopped. My box was stuffed into a purse, and I heard the bang again and the cold air came in. Then I was carried into a very noisy building. I heard the sound of many people, and beeps and clanging sounds. I smelled many things, many good smelling things to eat. We passed by fruity smells, grainy smells, sugary smells, and smells of cheese! I had never smelled so many good things before! I wished I could eat some. I was hungry because I didn’t get much food in my cage with all the other hungry hamsters.
Eventually we were back in the cold air, then back in the rumbling fast machine. I was very scared and thought it was only a matter of time before the torture ended and I was in hamster heaven. I was always a good hamster, not mean like those boy hamsters who took my food from me. Then I heard the bang we were out in the cold air again, I expected to get back in the machine but no, we where in a building, I had never been in such a building before. It had many smells, very unique smells. I was bumped about and then the box opened. I was scared to come out. The faces peered at me. I just sat there, petrified.
The faces got impatient and picked up the box and dumped me out. Low and behold, I must have come to hamster heaven! It was a cage, just like the one I used to call home. I have the cage all to myself, with plenty of good new food and fresh water to last an eternity. I have a wheel to exercise on and I have the box to sleep in, and plenty of bedding to dig in. And this is the end of my story.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

mini lops

Are fish more than pets?

An aquarium is more than just a collection of fish, invertebrates and aquatic plants. University research studies have found that watching an aquarium, especially an aquarium containing active, brightly colored fish, has a significant calming effect on people as evidenced through lowered heart rate and blood pressure, increased focus, and less tension related illnesses.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Next week my sister Mandy will start taking piano lessons. I am happy and proud for her but I kind of wish I could play too. I guess I could if I was interested and really wanted to do it. But it's kinda her thing, and I know I couldn't do as well as her. So I'm just going to concentrate on my guitar and maybe violin, I'll have to ask my mom to get my violin fixed.

my fault?

Well, yes it was. All my fault for neglecting her, putting her off, now she's dead. I should have been more responsible and taken better care of her, but life just got so busy and I thought I had beter things to do. But no use beating myself up about it. It's over with and I cleaned her old house and made sure her friends got their medicine. You see, my goldfish Jordin died of ick. It's a fish disease fungus that can be treated. So it's my fault for not noticing sooner. hopefully splash and "joe" make a full recovery.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

A month old!

Yesterday our rabbits Hopscotch and Tiddlywinks turned 4 weeks old. Yes, their ears look funny right now but they will be loppy in a few months. They are 12 and 13 oz. just a few more oz. until they're a pound! They have been gaining steadily and Hopscotch is just one oz. bigger than Tiddlywinks.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Feeding the hungry people

How many grains of rice are in a cup? 10,000

My goal is to donate at least 5 cups a week. That's 50,000 grains. It's easy to just type in and start clicking on the answers! It's that simple and it doesn't cost you a penny and it helps you to improve your vocabulary. Give it a try! What will your goal be? 1 cup a week? 2? 3? 4? 10?

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My favorite small pet

I like all animals, but gerbils are by far my favorite of all rodents. (Rabbits are not rodents!) They may look like mice, but they are not at all like them! They are more friendly natured, more cute and more friendly to each other as well! They can jjumpppp like kangaroos, they're also known as kangaroo rats, even though they aren't rats.
If you keep just one gerbil by itself, it will become lonely and depressed so you should always keep them in pairs. They have fur on their tails. They are curious about everything and love to explore. They will even crawl up sleeves and pant legs!
They come in all types of colors! They love to eat sunflower seeds, but don't give them too many or they will get fat. Also give them a exercise wheel to keep off those extra pounds. Give them plenty of cardboard tubes and boxes to chew and give them a house to hide in for privacy. They are not very messy so you only need to clean their cage out every two weeks. But you need to make sure they have fresh water and enough food to eat every day. If you go on a trip for a few days, fill up an extra dish of food for them.

It's not good to give them cedar bedding, they can become allergic to it and sneeze and they have red looking mucus. So if you see what looks like blood on the nose, don't seperate them, just give them a different type of bedding like carefresh or aspen.

Well thats the basics of gerbil care, hope you learned something new! I know keeping them as my pets has been an educational and rewarding experience!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Pennsylvania Farm Show

I took over 600 pictures at the farm show yesterday! So it's hard to decide which ones to put in this post. But I am going to try to pick the best ones from each place.
This orange rabbit is named orange and he's Rita Clucks rabbit, the lady who we got our rabbits from. He won best of opposite sex. That means that a doe rabbit was the best of all the mini lops, but he was the best buck.
Angora Rabbit

fuzzy lop
holland lop
The sheep surrounded the camera man because they flock to a person when they run away from the dog.
Rottweilers are sheep and cattle dogs too!
Believe it or not, the sheep aren't very scared of them, but they're more afraid of pointy eared dogs.
All these dogs can herd sheep.

ah it's a wolf! Sheep are instinctively scared of dogs.
border collie herding sheep

baaa baaa black sheep, have you any wool?

duck with a pom-pom
cute little duckCorella devil (bamtam chicken)

cluck cluck cluck
this little piggy went to the farm show.
Dog Agility

Care for some cow pictures?

what long horns you have!

better to gouge you with my dear.

Sweet jersey cow!
huge swirly cow
long horn skull


Here are the horses!
These girls and their 6 black horses won 1st place for the 6 hitch. There was also a 4 hitch and single hitch and another one being judged by the creativity of the carriage.